As I do not have the money/space for a separate printer and ink set for printing screen transparencies, I am trying to find the best method of printing with my current setup although I know it is not how one would ideally setup ones system for screen printing. As I previously explained but in previous posting I guess, I will primarily be using my R3000 printer and PiezoDN/P2 inkset for printing digital negatives for platinum printing.

Yes I am aware that this not the normal workflow for printing positive transparencies. Is there a way I can print these pre-halftoned images through Print Tool? You recommended PrintFab for halftones but I can convert files to halftone in Photoshop and through Printfab i got less dense negatives. Should I leave file as RGB (aleit it one with no color data) when I open it in Print Tool? This way it will still display color space as Adobe RGB. The PiezoDN instructions say to make sure that in Print Tool it shows embedded profile as Grey Gamma 2.2 or Adobe RGB however, if I convert my image to grayscale before opening it in Print Tool it displays Dot Gain instead. What image resolution do you recommend for printing for either positives or PiezoDN negatives? 360ppi is normally written of as highest visible resolution, does it hurt to printer at higher ppi such as 600ppi? I know PiezoDN negatives uses Photo Black and Gloss are there any problems with printing with Matte ink on transparencies? While there might e problems with Matte black for PiezoDN negatives would there be any problems for positive screen print transparencies? Matte Black is a bit denser than Photo Black and I don’t see any loss of quality or smearing. How do I print from only the K-Matte Black Channel? The print out i get from printing in QTR 16Bit mode is slightly less dense than in QTR Matte Black Print out. However, when I printed out the image in QTR 16 Bit (without added Calibration Mode color) most of banding seemed to disappear: I added the QTR-K flush color to the black in images and printed in QTR in Calibration Mode as a work around to print only with Matte Black as I want darkest possible black for screen print transparencies. Is it something to do with calibration mode? I left 1 1/2 " at top and bottom of transparency and 1/2"on sides. I have recently printed out transparencies for screen printing using QTR and my Epson R3000 printer and PiezoDN/P2 Inks and I received banding when printing in QTR Calibration Mode.